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Martyrs of Sebaste
Chrysanthus & Daria
Modern Martyrs in Sudan & Nigeria
Modern Persecution of Christians in China
Armenian Genocide
Peter’s Daughter: The Martyr Petronilla
Patriarch Jacob’s Well & St. Philoumenous
Sebastian—Christian Soldier & Martyr
Saint Agnes—The Little Lamb
Jewish Martyrs For Christ
Christian Martyrs—Now
Christian Heroes Are Old Testament Jews
Saint George of Dragon-Slayer Fame
Martyrdom of Ignatius of Antioch
Who Were the Desert Fathers?
Diocletian Versus the Christians
The Communion Martyr—Tarsicius
Slaughter of the Theban Legion — C. 286 AD
Lapsi—Christians Who “Lapse/Abandon” Their Faith
Apostle “Doubting Thomas” and India
Evodias Named Followers of Christ “Christians”
Astrology & The Early Church Fathers
Early Christian Communion—Wine or Mingled Wine?
A Mummy Mask & Mark’s Gospel
Who Were The Magi ?
Visit of the Magi
Balaam & The Star of Bethlehem
Sextus Julius Africanus—Why Did The Magi Come ?
Paul & Barnabas Split Over Mark
Ancient & Modern Idols
Paul in Ephesus—A Clash of Cultures
Communion in the Early Church
When Was Jesus Born?—Calculations
Does Cleanliness Equal Godliness?
Baptism—Sprinkle, Pour, Dunk
St. Paul Went To Spain?
Casting Lots in the Bible
Life is a Vapor
What Muslims Believe About Jesus
Mary’s Perpetual Virginity & Jesus’ Brothers
The Ancient Chinese Jesus Sutras
Eve in the Garden of Eden
Jesus Versus Jewish Law
Long or Short Ending in Mark?
Jesus, Son of King David, on the Cross
Conversation of Job in the Bible
What is the Kingdom of Heaven Like?
When Did Christmas Become Christmas?
I Am — The Many In One
The Ark of the Covenant
Faith or Works in the New Testament
Decline of the Pagan World
The Conversion of Saint Augustine
Jesus As The Logos/The Bible
Rahab The Prostitute’s House in Jericho
Fish & Bread at Early Church Communions
Eve — Actual “Mother of All Living”
What Is St. Paul’s Third Heaven?
The Sator Square
The Tetragrammaton—Yahweh
The Fish Symbol—Ichthus
Christ As The Big Fish
Why Pollen on the Shroud of Turin Proves it is Real
The Chi Rho Symbol
Martyr Skeletons Dressed In Jewels
Symbol of Christ as Good Shepherd
The Deluge as a Biblical Symbol
An Anchor—Potent Christian Symbol
The Staurogram
Magic Square at Gaudi’s Sagrada Basilica
Christian Symbols on Ancient Objects
The Nestorian Stele Content
The Word “Amen” in the Bible
Christmas Day With The Bible
What is the Holy Grail—And Where is it?
Christ As Pantocrator
Oldest Known Christian Hymn
The Sevso Treasure
Looting Of Iraq’s Antiquities
Popular Christian Poems
Metal Detector Find—The Hoxne Hoard
Shigir Idol—Oldest Sculpture
Michelangelo’s Pieta—Three Hidden Things
World’s Oldest Christian Church
Early Christian Sculptures
Mosaics in the Ancient World
Christian Inscriptions in Roman Catacombs
Christian Frescoes in Roman Catacombs
Brilliant Quotes From Our Ancient Past
Early Roman Gold Glass
Dancing in the Ancient World
Masks in the Ancient World
Dice in the Ancient World
Gladiators In Ancient Rome
Colosseum In Ancient Rome
Naval Battles In The Colosseum
Boxing in the Ancient Roman World
Story of Ben Hur & Lew Wallace
Famous Horses in Rome’s Chariot Races
Scorpus The Charioteer
Diocles—The Most Successful Charioteer
Roman Games & The Caesars
Sports Fans in Ancient Rome
Ancient Game of Troy
The Actor—Saint Genesius
Emperor Caracalla and His Baths
Playing Ball in the Ancient World
Theater in the Ancient World
Movies With Biblical Titles
Acta Diurna—Rome’s Daily Newspaper
Letters of Paul the Apostle
A Letter by St. Jerome To Niceas
Letter Writing In The Ancient World
The Julian Calendar & Julius Caesar
Eruption Of Mt. Vesuvius—August 24, 79 AD
The Archimedes Palimpsest
Moses & The Exodus Were Real
Historicity Of Moses & The Exodus
Strabo On Moses—Moses Really Existed
The Ipuwer Papyrus—Were The 10 Biblical Plagues Real?
The “Testimonium Flavianum Question” (My Two Cents)
St. Peter’s Tomb Discovered!
The Dead Sea & The Bible
Easter—And the Gregorian Calendar
Origin of Shorthand Writing
Aesop and His Wisdom
Rebus & Ancient Writings
Saint Paul & Seneca Letters
All Christians Are Slaves
The Bible is Accurate — Manuscript Evidence
Saint Paul’s Sarcasm
Jesus and the Pharisees
Origin of Torah in Septuagint
Paul the Apostle Wrote Hebrews
Clay Tablets of Ebla—The Hebrews
Archaeological Proofs of Bible Events
Languages Spoken at Pentacost
Sayings From the Bible in the 21st Century
Curse Words/Expletives From the Bible
Ancient Jewish Synagogues & Gentiles
How Many Places Did Jesus Visit?
Legal Contracts in the Ancient World
Ancient Legal Documents in the Bible
Stories & Tales From the Ancient World
Origin of New Years & Our Calendar
Hairstyles in the Ancient Roman World
How Should Religious Women Dress?
Ancient Roman Clothing
Ancient Perfume
Togas & Tunics—3000 BC To Middle Ages
Ancient Roman Undergarments
Children’s Clothing In Ancient Rome
Shoes In The Ancient World
Very Ancient Sewing Needles
Colors & Dyes For Clothing in Ancient Rome
What About Shoes in the Bible?
Beards in the Ancient World
Birthstones in the Bible
Begging For Bread
Trimalchio’s Banquet
Poisonous Honey—An Ancient Account
Apicius—Author Of Ancient Roman Cookbook
Thanksgiving: First Foods, First Friends—1620
Garum—The Ketchup of Ancient Rome
A Dinner Party in Ancient Rome
Wine in the Ancient World
Ancient Gourmands & Big Eaters
Lucullus and His Feasts
Jesus Reclined To Dine
Jesus Said Grace Before Eating
Ancient Vegetarians
Vinegar in the Ancient World
Living & Eating in Ancient Rome
Jesus’ Suggestions for Dinner Parties
Longevity In The Ancient World
Taxes In The Ancient Roman World
Dogs In The Ancient World
A Day In The Life Of Jesus
Jesus & John The Baptist Were Relatives
Doors & Gates In Biblical Times
Ancient Roman Villas
The Roman Catacombs And Me
Was Jesus Born On Christmas Day?
Ancient Ossuaries Uncover Biblical Truths
Demons Yesterday & Today
Women’s Lib in Ancient Rome
Pleasure Gardens in the Ancient World
St. Joseph’s Dreams & The Birth of Jesus
How Did Jesus Spend the Last Week of His Life?
One Sabbath Day in the Life of Jesus
Slaves Were “Lifeless Tools” in the Ancient World
What Comes Out of Your Mouth
Ancient Corinth—A Symbol of Sin
The Peutinger Map
Jesus & the Constant Crowds
Levi (Matthew) the Tax Collector
Tattoos in the Ancient World
Meaning of Names, Places & Things in the Bible
Rocks & Stones in the Bible
Drug Use in Ancient Times
Naming Babies in the Ancient World
Prostitutes in the Ancient World
Self-Absorption & The Bible
The Reluctant Moses
Gardens and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Languages Jesus Spoke
Story of Abigail and David
The Death of Jesus’ Brother James
Peter’s Home in Capernaum Found
Banners of Carrhae
Miraculous Rain Event
The Battering Ram
The Roman Phalanx & Hannibal’s “Pincer Movement”
General Patton and His Christian Faith
Could Ancient Sparta Defeat Ancient Rome?
Christian Soldiers in the Ancient Roman Army
Amazing Skills of the Roman Soldiers
Jerusalem 70 AD — The Roman Army Arrives
Ancient Roman Military — Nothing New
The Origins of Catapults
Julius Caesar’s Secret Code
Pagan Versus Christian War (30 – 313 AD)
The Roman Fighting Season
Ancient Roman Army’s Maniple Formation
Riots in the Ancient World
Destruction of Jerusalem, c. 586 BC—Eyewitness Account
Ancient Laments for Destroyed Cities
The Famous Letters From Lachish
Roman Gladiators and Their Lovers
Are You Left-Handed—Like the Benjamites?
Tacitus On The Christians
Hadrian’s Wall & Poem
Assassination of Julius Caesar—Ancient Accounts
The Roman Empire & China
John The Baptist—His Birth Place
Decline & Fall Of Civilizations
Claudia Acte—Nero’s Mistress, Secret Christian
King Herod & King Phraates
Herod & Herodias Affair
Salome’s Dance of Death
The Meaning of “Babylon”
Emperor Tiberius & The Resurrection Of Jesus
Pagan Origins of Christmas
Emperor Nero The Arsonist
Caesar Augustus and His Deeds
Jude’s Grandsons— Grand Nephews of Jesus
Arabs & Jews Agree — Cyrus is Great
Incest of Agrippa II and Berenice
Emperor Nero’s Golden House
Pliny’s Letter To Trajan About Christians
Meaning of Lent & Ash Wednesday
Septimius Severus Becomes a God
The Herods Were Arabs
Handshakes in the Ancient World
Herod the Great’s Death
Nebuchadnezzar’s Insanity
Voting in the Ancient World
Twins in the Ancient World
The Ancient Jews’ Sins & Exiles
The Silk Road
Ancient Technology—The Antikythera Mechanism
The Jesus Boat
Trade In Ancient India
The Lycurgus Cup—Nanotechnology in Ancient Rome
Dry Cleaning in Ancient Rome
Monte Testaccio—Ancient Rome’s Garbage Dump
Unwrapping The Ein-Gedi Scroll
Ancient Fishmongers
Metal Detector Find—Roman Coins & Lost Emperor of Britain
Archimedes’ Syracusia Ship & Noah’s Ark
Exotic Animal Business in Ancient Rome
Coins in Jesus’ Time
Ancient Roman Roads
Hiding Money in the Ancient World
Roman Empire Worldwide Trade
Solomon’s Gold in the Bible
Climate Change & Biblical Ephesus
The Zodiac Man
Circumcision in the Ancient World
King Mithridates and Poisoning
Cataract Surgery in the Ancient World
C – Sections In The Ancient World
Jesus Sweats Real Blood In Gethsemane
Ancient Jews & Cleanliness
Infanticide In The Ancient World
Ancient Roman Abortions & Christians
Doctors in the Bible
Jesus Uses Spit To Heal
Origen’s Castration
Sanitation & Health in the Bible
Plagues in the Medieval World
Viruses in the Ancient World
The Biblical Caduceus—Symbol of Medicine
Eunuchs in the Bible
“Stirring of Water” in the Pool of Bethesda
Dentists in the Ancient World
Awkward Handshakes